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"Like many , I discovered Brazilian Jiu Jitsu as a Result of Royce Gracie's early UFC victories.  Initially I was unaware of qualified instruction in Sask., so I purchased Books and tapes , until 2006,  when I attended a Seminar with Jeff Wiley, then a Brown Belt.  Jeff has been my Jiu Jitsu "professor " since that day. 
I am a two stripe Purple Belt of Wiley Jiu Jitsu.  I discovered BJJ in my early 50's and although reasonably fit and active for my age,  I would not have been considered a Prime Candidate  for a competitive BJJ Academy.  In addition , I lived 4 hours from Jeff's School.  Regardless, over the last eight years or so, Jeff has Been a Patient, Supportive , and very Dedicated Instructor.  During this time I have been fortunate to also have had the opportunity to train BJJ in numerous academies in Hawaii, and California, and attend seminars from Royce and Royler Gracie. This bears mentioning , as over the years , there have been changes in some  BJJ  Schools curriculum . Jeff 's philosophy has not changed . In fact , he has sought out those at the source of BJJ , rather than drift from its' original intent. Jeff's style is more Gracie Jiu Jitsu than so-called modern BJJ.  Jiu Jitsu is an amazing sport , but, first and foremost , it is a Martial Art that is proven to be the most efficient and effective means of unarmed self defence ever devised . What you will learn from Jeff with serve you well, whether you are Male or Female, whether you decide to compete on the mat,  or in the Cage, whether you are 15 or 50 years of age, but ultimately , and most importantly, your Jiu Jitsu will not be found lacking, if you are faced with a real street situation against a younger, larger, more athletic Attacker. 
I highly recommend anyone interested in self defence to contact Jeff and take a class . If you are new to Jiu Jitsu , you will have the benefit of a Jeff's positive personality to ease any initial concerns , if  you have trained before , you will gain further perspective from his philosophy, and 20 years " real world" experience. In either case, you will benefit from professional Black Belt Instruction guiding you on your  BJJ journey of self discovery.

David Harradence

2nd Degree Purple Belt BJJ 

Real Estate Agent 

What you learn at Wiley BJJ is Brazilian Jiu-jitsu as an art of Self Defense allowing the smaller, weaker person to defend themselves against a bigger attacker. Each class is primarily focused on the techniques that will keep you safe in a street fight and developing the reflex to block punches so you don't get knocked out. My favorite part is that standing techniques are always part of class! 


I've been training with Jeff since October 2014. Gi or No Gi, you'll learn moves that don't rely on what the other person is wearing. Jeff's lessons are very detailed and dynamic, and he is always encouraging his students to explore and find what works best for each one, without forgetting the basics! Classes are always lots of fun and everyone is very respectful! 


Pedro Pablo Garcia

Purple Belt


It was December of 2012 when I finally took Jeff Wiley up on his offer to come and train with him and his students at Wiley Jiu Jitsu in Regina, Saskatchewan.  I remember that first day very well, it was kind of like an interview process; did I want to work with him, did he want to work with me?  We rolled for about 15 minutes, the most eye opening 15 minutes I had ever experienced.  That was when I realized that, even though I was a two (maybe 3, I can’t remember exactly) stripe white belt with four professional fights under said belt, I knew almost nothing when it came to combat, or really any type of  Jiu Jitsu.  Thankfully, Jeff saw some potential to teach this old dog some new tricks and the rest, as they say is history!

Over the past four years Wiley Jiu Jitsu has taken this, self-proclaimed, weeble of a white belt and turned me into an extremely competent purple belt.  Since I began training with Jeff, and his other coaches, I have won 7 out of my last 9 Mixed Martial Arts fights with one of my two losses being to MMA powerhouse Cristiane Justino but you may know her better as “Cyborg”!  Working with Jeff and Wiley Jiu Jitsu really turned my MMA career around and broke me into to the top 10 rankings for female featherweights, where I have remained for the last 3 years. 

While working with Wiley Jiu Jitsu has increased my skill level and brought me accolades and title shots, it really has brought me so much more.  It has brought into my life people whom I now consider family and even though Jeff has moved his school to Calgary (you people in Calgary are extremely lucky to have him by the way), he will always be my coach and, as far as I am concerned, my brother.

Now go get changed and get onto the mats, Jeff has much to teach you!


Charmaine “Not So Sweet” Tweet

Invicta Fighting Championship Featherweight 

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